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教学目标  通过此微课的学习,学生能够了解太阳花的生长过程,并能够运用核心词汇和句型It has.It is./They are.进行一般现在时的简单描述。

教材分析  本微课设计的内容为上海牛津英语教材3A M4U3Plants中的一部分内容。教材图文并茂,学习内容贴合学生的生活实际。

学生分析 本三年级学生年龄约十岁,生性活泼好动,以形象思维为主,已经有一定的英语知识积累,可以利用英语进行一定的交流与表达。



Lookboys and girls. Here are many beautiful plants. What are theyThey are sunflowers. How beautiful Look at the sunflower.  It's so beautiful. Do you know what it has

And how is it       Let's have a look.





This is a plant. It has a flower. It is big and yellow. It has many leaves. They are big and green. And it has many roots. They are thin and short. Wow, it's beautiful.

接着简单介绍sunflower的形态构造特征,并学习一般现在时的核心句型:It has … 


The sunflowers are very happy. Listenwhat do they say We are sunflowers. We are beautiful. We like sunshine. We like dancing in the sun.   



Do you know how we grow? In our growth, what do we need? Yes, we need water. we need sunshine. Look. Here is a story about our growth.

First, we are seeds. We are small and brown. And we need water. So when it's rainy, we are very happy. We can drink much water. And we like sunshine too. Because when it's sunny, we feel warm. We are comfortable. We grow and grow. Look, we have some buds. They are small. And we have some roots. They are thin. We grow and grow. Now we have flowers and roots. They are small and long. We grow and grow. Now we are sunflowers. We are beautiful.

通过一段视频,生动地展现sunflower从种子发芽到开花的生长变化过程。 这里进行了开放,让学生在之后自己思考。


Can you talk like this? Let's try together.


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