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    本次微课设计的内容为上海牛津英语教材5B M1U2 Watch it grow中的一部分内容。教学目标旨在通过本次微课的学习,学生能够了解蝴蝶的生长过程,并能够运用核心词汇和过去式和一般现在时进行简单描述。


    文本1:Look, boys and girls. Here are many butterflies. Wow! How beautiful! A butterfly has a head, a body and six legs. It’s so beautiful. And it is an interesting insect too. Do you know how it grows? Let’s have a look today. The growth of butterfly. 首先通过图片感受蝴蝶的美丽,激发学生学习的兴趣并学习核心词组:lay eggs

        文本2:In spring, it always flies in the park. A butterfly lays eggs on the leaf. Look! This is an egg. It is small and white. It grows and grows. 接着学习蝴蝶生长过程的第一阶段,并且复习一般现在时句型:It is an egg.

     文本3:It was a white egg. Now it is a green caterpillar. The caterpillar has many legs. The caterpillar likes eating leaves. The caterpillar grows and grows. But it’s afraid. Why? Let’s listen to the little caterpillar. 通过对比学习一般过去式的基本句型:It was … 并且学习核心词汇caterpillar。通过录音,感受毛毛虫的心里变化,了解蝴蝶生长过程的第二阶段及科学原因。

        文本4:It was a green caterpillar. Now it is a cocoon. It is brown and ugly but it is safe. It grows and grows. 继续巩固一般过去式的基本句型:It was … 并且学习核心词汇cocoon,了解蝴蝶生长过程的第三阶段。

    文本5:It is a sunny day. The cocoon opens. A butterfly comes out of the cocoon. It is wet. The sun makes it dry. After that, it is a beautiful but. It flies in the sun happily. And it wants to lay eggs on a leaf. 通过一段视频生动地展现从茧到蝴蝶的蜕变过程,通过前两段对一般过去式的学习, 这里进行了开放,让学生在之后自己思考。

    文本6:Emm, I think it’s a beautiful process. How about you? Do you know how does a butterfly grow?  通过之前完整的学习让学生们试着回忆并描述蝴蝶的生长过程,并且能够运用核心词汇和句型进行操练。

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